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Custom CRM software, or customer relationship management software, can help businesses take their client service to a new level.  While off-the-shelf software programs may be able to better your level of service a little, no cookie-cutter program is going to meet each and every need of your business, especially if you have a unique, innovative or revolutionary business model. For businesses like that, improving client relationships calls for something custom—something that’s specifically designed for your unique system and way of doing business.

What Custom CRM Software Can Do Creating a great CRM program starts with identifying the problem. Let’s take a case study for example. We were hired to create custom CRM software for USRider, an equestrian roadside assistance brand. The first step for the project was to pinpoint the problem: sending out renewal letters every day for expired memberships was getting to be unwieldy.

The company had more than 20,000 members, and the team was forced to send out thousands of letters throughout the year – each with a different purpose. Some were for clients with expired credit cards, some were for those on an auto-renewal plan, and still others were emails, as that was the client’s preferred form of contact. Additional letters contained new ID cards for renewed memberships. The only way to effectively address the problem was with great software.

Xeo created custom CRM software that automated all client renewals. Instead of having to handle all renewal letters and emails by hand, the new software did it all automatically – sending out the appropriate letters and emails each time a renewal or problem arose. In the end, it allowed the company to manage and serve their 20,000-plus clients more effectively and in a more personalized way.

Is Custom CRM Software Right For Your Company? Virtually every B2C company needs a CRM system of some sort. However, if your business has unique needs that just aren’t efficiently serviced by an off-the-shelf solution, talk to Xeo.

Our custom CRM software can simplify business processes, reduce human error, improve in-house efficiency and, best of all, better the relationship between company and client, all of which can lead to a more profitable business.