Proper business intelligence reporting is the key to running an efficient, productive and profitable organization. Unfortunately, so many myths are circulating...
Proper business intelligence reporting is the key to running an efficient, productive and profitable organization. Unfortunately, so many myths are circulating...
If you’ve made the decision to invest in a business dashboard, then congrats: your job is about to get infinitely easier. You’ll have all the data you need to improve your sales...
Over the years, we’ve heard everything there is to hear about KPI or key performance indicator dashboards. While some of it was indeed valuable information..
As a business owner, a custom dashboard has the potential to change your life. It can allow you to manage your data more effectively, can help you make better decisions and strategic choice...
Data is crucial in the business world. It gives executives and managers the information they need to make decisions, perfect strategies and guide their companies in the right direction.
Just because you collect analytics and data on your company’s performance doesn’t mean you have all the information you need to be successful. If you really want to get the most from your data,..
Custom business dashboards and thoughtful KPI tracking can do wonders for an organization, giving executives the data they need to make smart decisions, implement powerful strategies and grow their business in the long run.
At most organizations (one that don’t use small business dashboards, at least), data isn’t centralized. Each department has its own key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics..
When it comes to business intelligence, it’s not finding the right dashboard that’s the hardest part. It’s not even learning how to interpret your data, make it actionable or keep it ..
Our small business dashboards make data easy and actionable. Instead of consulting various department heads and trying to marry disparate data tracking ..
Few healthcare organizations have an effective, centralized business dashboard. Their data is split up between various departments and housed on separate systems and documents.
Tax firms and financial professionals are part of an industry that can benefit greatly from customized software solutions. Federal and state tax laws are constantly..
In the legal industry, keeping organized is crucial. Every case has its own unique details, and to ensure each one has the best chance at success, you need a way to keep them...
Maps are some of the most effective tools custom software developers can integrate into a new software solution. When you consider that over 30% of the human cortex is dedicated to......